Food for theological reflection
“Food is supposed to be sacred, not fast.”
Divine Intervention without God: by Jim Voelz
Meteor Blasts and New Life
Together With All Chickens
Urban chickens and the Kingdom of God
Wetlands in Kansas?
When I think of the great plains, I think of wide open spaces, undulating landscapes like waves of an ocean, corn and wheat. I don’t…
Check it Out!
The summer issue of the Concordia Journal (published by the faculty of Concordia Seminary) has just come out and its centered on the theme of…
NYG—New Orleans II
While at the National Youth Gathering in New Orleans, a gentleman from Southern Illinois approached me after my presentation and asked, “why hasn’t the church…
Environmentalism as Religion?
There are various reasons why Christians may approach environmental issues with a skeptical eye and be reluctant to embrace them. One is the concern that…
Earth Day last month made me wonder why we don’t have a similar day within the church. We wouldn’t have to call it “Earth Sunday”…
St. Basil the Tree Hugger?
Why do non-Christian naturalists and scientists from Rachel Carson to E. O.