David Maxwell
Christology Illustrated
Dr. David Maxwell lays out a clear and concise description of Lutheran Christology. He maintains that its fundamental point is to emphasize the unity of…
“Why do we teach Greek and Hebrew at the seminary? Don’t we already have good translations of the Bible?” … We don’t teach Greek and…
Ten Commandments and Lutheran Music from the Organ Bench
Dr. David Maxwell, the Louis A. Fincke and Anna B. Shine Professor of Systematic Theology at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, reflects on the Ten Commandments…
What Sound Does the Holy Spirit Make?
In celebration of Pentecost, we reprise two reflections by Dr. David Maxwell on the “sound” of the Holy Spirit. The first is a sound recording…
Easter 2 • John 20:19–31 • April 3, 2016
By David Maxwell The Breath of God “[Jesus] breathed on them and said to them, ‘Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive the sins of…
New Books by the Faculty
Just in time for your summer reading list, here are the books written by Concordia Seminary faculty (and staff) in the past year.
David Maxwell’s New Translation of Cyril’s Commentary on John
Dr. David Maxwell, Associate Professor of Systematic Theology and Director of the Graduate School at Concordia Seminary, recently published the second volume of his translation…
Conversations on the Lutheran Confessions
On March 12, 2015, Concordia Seminary will host a special Conversation on the Lutheran Confessions.
Proper 14 • Job 38:4–18 • August 10, 2014
By David R. Maxwell This text emphasizes the transcendence of God. The question for the preacher is, “Why do we need to know that God is…