Concordia Journal Fall 2024
Browse the interactive version above or download this issue as a pdf. The full catalog of back issues of the Concordia Journal (1975-present), along with the…
How Lutheran Hymns Lost Their Monopoly in the Missouri Synod
An opinion piece by Paul Raabe on what happened to traditional hymns in American Christianity.
“This Joyful Eastertide”
A Concordia Seminary, St. Louis choir, led by James Marriott, sings the classic Easter hymn.
“Were You There”
The Concordia Seminary choir Laudamus sings the timeless spiritual.
“My Song is Love Unknown”
A Concordia Seminary choir sings the beloved hymn.
“O Sacred Head, Now Wounded”
A Concordia Seminary choir sings the classic Passion hymn.
“Adoramus Te, Christe”
The choir Laudamus sings the chant often sung on Good Friday.
“Christ, the Life of All the Living”
A Concordia Seminary choir sings the classic Lenten hymn.
In Memoriam: Carl Schalk (1929–2021)
James Brauer remembers the life of one of the church’s great composers.