Joel Biermann
Ponte Luterano
A formula like “Global Evangelicalism” is obviously expansive enough to include virtually any topic one may choose. But when I heard the theme and considered…
Christian Politics: Living in Two Realms
CSLScholar is Concordia Seminary’s digital library with a host of on-demand resources. Take time to peruse its wealth of topics. Among the latest additions to…
Growing the Lutheran Audience
The students of Concordia Seminary are blessed by the teaching of our faculty. The faculty’s reach extends beyond the students to pastors and congregations who…
To Shepherd the Sheep
The physical, spiritual, and emotional rush of Holy Week is behind us now. It remains for me the best week of the year, every year,…
Proper 4 • Luke 7:1–10 • May 29, 2016
Joel Biermann At first blush, the central theme of this pericope seems to be faith and its remarkable residence in a Gentile centurion. That motif…
Character Matters
Letting virtue ethics out of the (academic) bag…with a free, five-part Bible study.
Proper 23 • Hebrews 3:12–19 • October 11, 2015
By Joel Biermann This text hardly ranks among the most popular or familiar of those gathered in the pericopes; but with its stern warnings, emphasis…
Making the Case for Character
Thanks to a generous grant that covers all travel costs, Joel Biermann is now available to lead seminars based on his book “A Case for…
New video reading guide for “A Case for Character”
A video companion to virtue ethics and Joel Biermann’s book “A Case for Character.”