“Luther’s Recollections of Erfurt. The Use of Anecdotes for the Edification of His Hearers”
New article from Dr. Robert Kolb
Peter Rollins’ “Insurrection”
The latest book from a prominent figure in the “Emergent Church Movement”
Shoes and the Law
The title of a newspaper article caught my eye yesterday: Jews Ponder Day’s Footwear. I had to read to find out what it was about…
LAY BIBLE INSTITUTE on religion and politics – Oct-Nov, 2011
Just in time for the campaign season: Joel Biermann will lead the LBI seminar, “From Sea to Shining Sea: A Christian’s Perspective on America and…
Love Wins: Luther’s Letter
A fresh translation of Luther’s letter to Hans von Rechenberg, cited in “Love Wins”
Does “Love Win” for Luther?
A look at a Luther quote from the popular book, by Pastor Ben Haupt
Invitation to Conversation: Bob Kolb on the Ecclesiology of the Lutheran Confessional Writings
From a Faculty Forum discussion
The American Mind: Read the Preface by Robert Kolb
An exclusive online reprint of Robert Kolb’s preface to The American Mind Meets the Mind of Christ, a collection of Concordia Seminary faculty essays on…
Thank you, BP, for deconstructing my faith in technology
Technology trying to save technology. (Photo credit: Reuters) The recent capping of the oil well in the Gulf of Mexico aside, now the Coast Guard…