Day of Homiletical Reflection – Wed, May 8, 2013
Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, will host its 11th Annual Day of Homiletical Reflection on Wednesday, May 8, 9:15 am to 4:15 pm. Michael Duduit will…
Preaching from Isaiah
In conjunction with the Winter 2013 CONCORDIA JOURNAL, a sermon on Isaiah 57:15.
Preacher’s Roundtable: Preaching Luke, Part 1
Part 1: The Festival Cycle
And Now for Something Completely Different
The Sem Chapel Mix
John Nunes on preaching in the midst of suffering
Another tune-up for the 2012 Theological Symposium (September 18-19, 2012). John Nunes will be a plenary speaker.
2011 Theological Symposium: Rediscovering the Art of Preaching
Relive, via video, Concordia Seminary’s Theological Symposium, held September 20-12, 2011, on “Rediscovering the Art of Preaching.” Featured presenters included Dean Nadasdy, Dale Meyer, David…
The Preacher’s Studio: David Lewis
Preacher’s Studio is a chance to take a step back and talk about the art and craft of preaching. Today’s preacher: DAVID LEWIS, on preaching…