Thinking Theologically about the Russia-Ukraine War
The entire world is watching the crisis unfold in Ukraine. The horrors of war come to us via TV and the mass media 24/7. We…
A Letter to Dad
One of his beloved students reflects on the life of Professor Lou Brighton.
Emeritus Professor Dr. Louis A. Brighton enters rest
Funeral to be held Nov. 20 at Trinity Lutheran Church in Savannah, Ga.
Fall Lay Bible Institute – Wednesdays, October, 2014
Back by popular demand: David Peter presents “Decoding the Apocalypse: Part Two.”
Summer LBI on Revelation – August 9, 2014
The next Lay Bible Institute, led by David Peter, is “Decoding the Apocalypse: Study of the Book of Revelation.”
Blood Moon Lunacy
As if you didn’t have enough to worry about with your taxes due on April 15….
Charts on the Book of Revelation: Literary, Historical, and Theological Perspectives, by Mark Wilson
CHARTS ON THE BOOK OF REVELATION: Literary, Historical, and Theological Perspectives. By Mark Wilson. Grand Rapids: Kregel, 2007. 136 pages. Paper. $21.99. Reviewed by Dr. Joel…