Insult of the Month
Keeping up with your languages doesn’t have to be tedious. Many regular readers of already know and use tools for maintaining the edge on…
Blood in My Mouth
Dreaming about a sermon in the week before Pentecost.
“Nones” on the Rise
They aren’t really all that interested in us; but we should be interested in them.
Creation and Its Detractors
Can you imagine The New York Times printing a critique of scientific atheism? That fact alone might be taken as wry proof for the existence…
Science: “Just” a Matter of Faith?
“Our imagination is stretched to the utmost”
Food for theological reflection
“Food is supposed to be sacred, not fast.”
Msafiri: Ethiopia
Africa messes with your head.
Msafiri: African Lutheran Seminaries
I was hoping there would be a handy reference resource someplace where I could look up basic information for the Lutheran seminaries on the continent.…
Msafiri: Uganda
Lira is not a big town, not an important place by most measures. It’s not on the way to anywhere most people want to go…