Will Schumacher
Schumacher and Raj in latest Lutheran Mission Matters
Articles by Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, faculty appear in latest issue of missiology journal.
Proper 19 • James 3:1–12 • September 13, 2015
By William W. Schumacher The text of this passage from the Epistle of James is interesting both grammatically and lexically. The passage is rich in…
New Books by the Faculty
Just in time for your summer reading list, here are the books written by Concordia Seminary faculty (and staff) in the past year.
Symposium Sneak Peek #4: Will Schumacher
The final of four sneak peeks into the main plenary presentations for the 2014 Theological Symposium (September 23-24).
Proper 8 • Jeremiah 28:5–9 • June 29, 2014
By William W. Schumacher On May 13, 1940, Winston Churchill addressed the British parliament as he was about to become prime minister. Hitler’s troops had already invaded…
Concordia Journal Currents – David Lumpp’s “First Things First”
Will Schumacher talks with David Lumpp about his book “First Things First,” one of the latest books from Concordia Seminary Press. Dr. Lumpp is professor…
Msafiri: Uganda
Lira is not a big town, not an important place by most measures. It’s not on the way to anywhere most people want to go…
“The Hermeneutical Naiveté of the Supreme Court”
Jim Voelz makes a case for the hermeneutical naivete – past and present – of the U.S. Supreme Court, in a reprint from Concordia Journal.
Reformation Day · John 8:31-36 · October 25, 2009
By William W. Schumacher The assignment of this text for the festival of the Reformation suggests the question: Was the Lutheran Reformation about freedom? Luther’s famous…