New Reformation500 Website

New Reformation500 Website

New Reformation500 Website

As part of its efforts to commemorate the upcoming 500th anniversary of the Reformation (2017), Concordia Seminary has launched “Reformation500”–a website dedicated to providing reflection and resources on this “Copernican revolution” of church history. The website features an interactive timeline, biographies, upcoming events, and a variety of perspectives on the ongoing significance of the Reformation. ..

Hearing Lutheran Voices in Reformed Pulpits

Hearing Lutheran Voices in Reformed Pulpits

Hearing Lutheran Voices in Reformed Pulpits

Those who try to follow the pulse of American Christianity would be familiar with the name Tullian Tchividjian (even if it takes a little practice to pronounce it correctly!). Pastor of Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church, Tchividjian represents a growing trend in evangelicalism to engage a broad spectrum of orthodox Christian writers and theologians. On the ..