Faith and Politics

Editor’s note: As we live through an especially contentious election season, this collection of video, audio, and print resources is curated primarily from Concordia Seminary’s Scholar archive. These open-access resources are free for congregations, ministries, and individuals to use for further reflection, study, and conversation.

Lay Bible Institute: From Sea to Shining Sea
Joel Biermann

The Christian’s Calling in the Political-Social Realm
Hon. John Shimkus
This interview with Congressman Shimkus is part of the 8-session video Bible Study, “A People Called to Love.”

The following three presentations were part of an Institute of Lay Vocation conference in 2006 entitled “Called to Engage.”

The Need for a Lutheran Perspective on Christianity and Politics
Mark Noll

Lutherans Engaging the World: Time to Plant Apple Trees
Robert Rosin

Sunset or Dawn? The Lutheran Calling to Public Life in America
Robert Benne

500: The Impact of the Reformation Today
Erik Herrmann and Dale Ward, Producers

Distance, Tolerance, and Honor: Six Theses on Romans 13:1-7
Concordia Journal, Fall 2016
James B. Prothro

Book Blurbs: Joel Biermann on How Christians Engage Politics and Culture
Charles Arand & Joel Biermann

Church is Not the State
Victor Raj

The Theology and Practice of Church-State Relations
David Adams





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