The journey from text to pulpit can be a long and winding road, filled with false starts, surprising discoveries, and hard choices along the way.…
Dr. David Maxwell lays out a clear and concise description of Lutheran Christology. He maintains that its fundamental point is to emphasize the unity of…
This video conversation takes a fresh look at Luther’s counseling experience and what it shows us about the necessity of soul care.
Christians cling to a peculiar hope. Dr. Timothy Saleska writes “As the story of Israel makes clear and as God demonstrated by raising Jesus from…
Do the words of Hebrews 13:8 “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and always” refer to the constancy of the second person of the…
The sudden death of Prof. Antti Raunio has saddened the international scholarly community, which valued his important contributions to the study of Martin Luther as…
Concordia Seminary Dean of Theological Research and Publication Dr. Erik Herrmann sits down with Dr. Ronald Mudge, who became provost and chief academic officer in…
It is now 500 years since Luther’s translation of the New Testament first appeared. It is no exaggeration or hyperbole to praise Luther’s German Bible…
Paul Raabe reflects on the label “Lutheran” and how, in some contexts, it does not communicate to most Americans. We need to be able to…
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