Heaven Is For Real
A Christian Father’s Sincere Love, and a Deeply-Flawed Understanding of Salvation.
Heaven and Hell, Children and Rob Bell
May 21 has come and gone, we’re all still here. But “the end times” and what will happen to us when either the or our…
Really, I didn’t make this one up
The truth, the whole truth, nothing but the . . .
New Find! Everything We Ever Thought Proven Wrong!
Check the date on your calendar
“Son of Man” in the Gospels: A Faculty Discussion
Who is the son of man?
Jews and the Death of Jesus: Reading Matthew 27:25 by David Lewis
“His Blood Be on Us and our Children!”: Joseph Ratzinger on Matthew 27:25
The Pope’s New Teaching on Jews and the Death of Jesus: A Response from Jim Voelz
“Jews and the Death of Jesus: Thoughts as It Becomes an Issue Once Again” by Dr. James W. Voelz
Invitation to Conversation: Bob Kolb on the Ecclesiology of the Lutheran Confessional Writings
From a Faculty Forum discussion
On suffering, the Bible, and preaching – Part 2
In connection with the Winter 2011 CONCORDIA JOURNAL and the Seminary’s partnership with Lutheran World Relief, more writings by past and present Concordia Seminary colleagues…