Jeff Kloha
Proper 20 • James 3:13–4:10 • September 20, 2015
By Jeffrey Kloha James 3 and 4 stand among the harshest condemnations found in the NT. To be called “earthly, unspiritual, demonic” is certainly not…
New Books by the Faculty
Just in time for your summer reading list, here are the books written by Concordia Seminary faculty (and staff) in the past year.
Two days of homiletical and exegetical reflection. Presenters include: John Nunes, David Schmitt, and Jim Voelz.
Book Blurbs with Jim Voelz
Jim Voelz talks about his new, and much anticipated, Mark commentary.
Book Blurbs: David Schmitt
David Schmitt talks about his latest book.
Preacher’s Roundtable: Preaching Luke, Part 2
Part 2 of 2 in the conversation on preaching Luke in the second half of the church year (series C).
Epiphany 4 • 1 Corinthians 12:31b–13:13 • February 3, 2013
By Jeffrey Kloha Some texts don’t need sermons. What more needs to be said about love than the praise that the apostle lavishes on it…
Preacher’s Roundtable: Preaching Luke, Part 1
Part 1: The Festival Cycle