Paul Raabe
Thinking Theologically about the Middle East Today
We are all horrified by the ongoing armed conflict in the Middle East. It is deeply disturbing and raises the question: How should we Christians…
Here’s to Irrelevant Preaching and Teaching
In the United States pragmatism is the very air we breathe. It goes back to our country’s roots with Benjamin Franklin and others. We are…
Proper 11 • Luke 10:38-42 • July 17, 2016
By Paul R. Raabe The Gospel lesson appointed for the ninth Sunday after Pentecost is the Mary and Martha account. It illustrates the priority of…
“In Remembrance of Me: Memory and the Life of Faith” – The 2015 Theological Symposium
Videos of the plenary presentations by Steve Joordens and Charlotte Linde, in conjunction with essays published in the Spring 2016 CONCORDIA JOURNAL.
Listening to the Word of God
Exegetes with a markedly Lutheran understanding discuss methods of Scriptural interpretation in this volume. All contributions are witness to the common conviction that Holy Scripture…
Epiphany 4 • Luke 4:31–44 • January 31, 2016
By Paul R. Raabe This gospel lesson records part of Jesus’s Galilean ministry, after he went down from Nazareth to Capernaum. Here we see Jesus teaching,…
The Symposium Line Up: Day 2
The FYI for the second day of Concordia Seminary’s 2015 Theological Symposium, “In Remembrance of Me: Memory and the Life of Faith,” September 22-23.
Easter 3 • 1 John 3:1–7 • April 19, 2015
by Paul R. Raabe During the Easter season the epistle lessons come from 1 John. The epistle lesson appointed for the third Sunday of Easter is 1…
Easter 7 • Acts 1:12–26 • June 1, 2014
By Paul R. Raabe Acts 1:12–26 narrates what the followers of Jesus did after his ascension. They remained in Jerusalem as Jesus had commanded (Acts 1:4). Luke…