Hands, Life, and Hope in Holy Week

Hands, Life, and Hope in Holy Week

Hands, Life, and Hope in Holy Week

This week, I’m thinking about his hands.  They were large, strong hands that loved to work with wood—strong hands that were “skilled at the plane and the lathe.”  Many of the items in his house were created by his labors on the lathe, at the saw—“dovetail” is a term that had a literal meaning for ..

Plainsong Passion

Plainsong Passion

Plainsong Passion

Last Friday, chapel was unusual; it took me off guard. First, I did not expect to sing Christmas hymns … in the middle of Lent. Yes, I have to admit that I wasn’t paying attention to the feast day calendar so I missed the liturgical memo on the Annunciation of our Lord. It was a welcome ..