Or: Why New Testament Greek is Like a Football Game
Discussing vocation and leadership with Eric Knost, superintendent of the largest school district in St. Louis County.
A theologian of global renown, whom I was honored to call a friend.
Erik Herrmann discusses with David Schmitt the craft of preaching saint’s days and commemorations.
Welcome all wonders in one sight !Eternity shut in a span!Summer in winter! Day in night!Heaven in earth! And God in man!Great little one, whose…
Announcing the 2019 theme: “Devoted: (Re)forming the Devotional Life”
Paula Isakson discusses Faith Family Reunion, a ministry to parents whose children have left the faith.
Singer-songwriter Peter Mayer reflects on nearly twenty years of singing the songs of Christmas.
Jim Voelz on this year’s Society of Biblical Literature Annual Meeting.